Monday, June 30, 2008

Katy and the Big Snow by Virginia Lee Burton

What it's about: Katy is a tractor that can do many things to help people. One winter day there is a Big Snow that is so deep the regular snow plow trucks break down. The city stops functioning under the deep snow and only Katy is strong enough to clear the deep snow.
Why I like it: My mom read this book to me and her mom read it to her. It was written in 1943! It's so good that it is still being published.
What it teaches:This is a great book for teaching map skills. At the beginning of the book the city of Geoppolis is laid out in a map and each important part of the city is labeled (hospital, police department, airport, etc...). Katy starts plowing in the center of the city and then moves to the South, East, North, and West parts of the city. Each place she plows can be seen on the map of the city at the beginning of the book. As a kid, I loved laying out Katy's path on the map.

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